Salvatore has operated a successful private practice in the health and nutrition field for over 25 years working as a Registered Holistic Nutritionist, Herbalist and Cancer Coach. During this time he has helped many individuals achieve their nutrition, diet and lifestyle goals while also helping those facing various health conditions, lifestyle imbalances, and challenging illnesses.
Salvatore has always believed that in order to help an individual with their health issues and offer true beneficial long lasting results, the root cause of their health issues needs to be identified and addressed. Salvatore has approached getting to the root cause of the health issue by conducting a comprehensive health history and lifestyle assessment, followed by a thorough personalized nutritional analysis, and other various tests, assessments and therapies as needed. The individual is then provided with a thorough report of their results along with a significant amount of informative, educational, and empowering, evidence-based information which will help to address any underlying factors in the body that are contributing to and causing, any imbalances, or health issues along with how to correct them through proper diet, supplementation and lifestyle choices so that it provides beneficial support and well being of their physical, mental, emotional and spiritual health and therefore, allowing them the full potential to maximize their quality of life.
Salvatore enjoys educating and guiding individuals of all ages to better health and providing them with the necessary information and tools so they can be empowered to make informed health decisions that best suits their health needs, lifestyles and be the healthiest version of themselves. The science in the world of nutrition although very interesting is also ever-changing by the day and therefore, nutrition and its role in our health and well-being can be confusing, overwhelming and leaving us not knowing where to start or what information to believe. In order to help address these issues as well as to have the opportunity to reach out to and assist people on a larger scale Salvatore decided to develop and provide a reliable, comprehensive and trustworthy health resource website named Healthopedia, dedicated to providing health professionals and individuals with unbiased current evidence-based scientific research and essential health information on nutrition, health and wellness from trusted sources around the world in conventional, naturopathic, integrative, complimentary and alternative medical fields. With this more expansive outreach around the world and across multi-disciplinary health fields, the ambition is that it will help to provide a comprehensive integrated approach and guidance along with more health choices and treatments allowing everyone the greater ability to reach their best health possible and maximize their quality of life for many years to come.
The following are some of Salvatore’s credentials
along with their corresponding designations.
- Canadian School of Natural Nutrition
Diploma in Natural Nutrition
Registered Holistic Nutritionist™ (R.H.N.) - Dominion Herbal College
Chartered Herbalist Diploma
Chartered Herbalist™ (C.H.) - Professional Cancer Coaches International
Cancer Coach Certification
Certified Professional Cancer Coach™ (CPCC) - Reflexology Association of Canada
Diploma in Foot Reflexology
Registered Canadian Reflexology Therapist™ (R.C.R.T.)
The following are some of Salvatore’s affiliated associations along with their corresponding designations.
- Nutritional Consultants Organization of Canada
– Registered Nutritional Consultant™ (RNC)
– Registered Nutritional Consulting Practitioner™ (RNCP) - International Organization of Nutritional Consultants
– Registered Orthomolecular Health Practitioner™ (ROHP) - National Association of Professional Cancer Coaches
– Certified Professional Cancer Coach™ (CPCC) - Reflexology Council of Ontario
-Reflexology Registration Council of Ontario ™ (RRCO) - Reflexology Association of Canada
-Registered Canadian Reflexology Therapist ™ (R.C.R.T.)